Why Cellulose?

The Beechwood fiber used to create Ocean Harvest Bags is harvested using sustainable, regenerative forestry practices and carbon neutral production processes. But, we believe the best part is that it can be tossed into your compost pile, where it will break down in as little as 12 weeks.
Time Lapse of Degredation

The concept for Ocean Harvest BagsTM began on our own oyster farm, Maine Ocean Farms, where we grow and harvest "Wet Smack" oysters. We envisioned a biodegradable and compostable harvest bag that not only would show off our prized oysters, but be part of the solution to the global plastic situation.

We are a local Maine Company
We consider our customers our industry partners. We like to know our partner companies personally, so give us a call and tell us how we can help you and your business eliminate plastic from your operation.
Tel: 207-200-8130

Sustainably Harvested Beechwood is grown and processed using carbon neutral practices. These strong, natural cellulose fibers are spun into yarns and woven into netting. The result is a beautifully simple, 100% Biodegradable, 100% Compostable package for shellfish.
The Ocean Harvest Bag® powerd by packnatur®